Hello Everyone,
Today I am reviewing Watch Dogs: Legion. The game is made by Ubisoft, and is a Third-Person Action Adventure RPG.

Note: This game has a lot of people who do terrible things, and there are terrorists that you have to defeat in this game. I am simply reviewing the game. Nothing more.
The premise is simple. A terrorist group named Zero Day destroys several Landmarks in London. After that, London employs a military group called Albion (no relation to the Fable franchise), and they basically take over the city like a dictatorship.
You take over a group called DedSec, and they go saving London. Along the way you have to destroy other groups that are trying to destroy the very fabric of society.
As usual, I will review the story, and the gameplay.
The story itself is ok honestly. It is not much more than what I already mentioned above. You perform several missions in different factions, and destroy them from within.
The missions are very straightforward, but unfortunately there is not a lot of variety in missions. You'll be doing the same thing over and over again. You'll get some different dialogue, and some background info, but it's all the same. Everyone is a terrible person, and you have to defeat them. Repeat until every group is gone.
There is also some world-building that the game does, but you have to do side missions. It's not present in the main game, and it would be interesting, but I have to find it.
I wish the missions were more fleshed out. Make me care more about the characters, and the story. If I do not care about them, then why finish the game (which I did). The replay value of the game drops dramatically, and the gameplay isn't much better.
This is the real meat of the game. For starters, you can play as almost anyone in London. You have to play a recruitment mission. Once you do that, the person joins DedSec.
99% of the missions require you to stealthily infiltrate an area. Most of that time, your character wears a mask to hide, which prevents your character from being found out. That character can still get arrested or die.
The game does have a system called "Uniformed Access", which allows select people of certain occupations to get into a restricted area. They don't need to wear a mask in that area, and they can get beat the mission just fine.

If your character gets arrested, then you can't play against them for a while. Sometimes your character gets injured, and they go into the hospital. And then there is when your character dies.
That is the worst. If you have the Permadeath option on, which I did, then your character is dead. You can't play as them again. It is absolutely awful, and it made me sad (for like 1 character). It would have made me feel worse, but I didn't care about half of my team at DedSec (Pictured below).

There are two different gameplay styles, melee and gunfights. Melee fighting is simple, with only a few buttons to press. The real problem comes from if you use gunfights. See, melee fights just get you arrested or in the hospital if you lose. If you use guns, your character can die. And you don't want that. I had a few characters lose from that.
There are different ways to complete objectives as well. (Pictured below) Spiderbots allow the player to hack into a different objective. Sometimes the game gives you technology to complete the objective, but other times you just hack from your character's phone. It depends on what is going on.

The game does have side quests, but they are very optional. I only had to do one to progress in the main game. They usually involve helping someone or destroying something related to Albion. These missions can also give you new recruits for DedSec, which can help. I got one from doing the mandatory mission, and he stayed with me for the whole game.
I like the game, but the story is rushed. The gameplay is also barebones. The developers spent the most amount of time clearly on the ability to play as almost anyone, and that sadly shows.
I give the game a 3 out of 5.
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